Sunday, 13 November 2011

Lit Circle time

So I do not understand how people have the time to blog everyday!!! I have so much to do... It also does not help that I have taken on more responsibilities at school. It is my favorite time of year-Lit circle season. I am lucky to work with a team of grade four and five teachers on collaborative literature circles. I will be running three books but my 30 students will have the choice of ten different novels. We meet three times per week. One day one group will be reading and writing double entry journals while another group blogs and a third group is discussing with me. The students move in and out of books throughout the process. Each teacher starts a whole class lit circle this month so we have lots of modelling going on for awhile then we break into our groups after spring break in March. I will post some examples if I can figure out how to put them into google docs!

No report cards....

It is hard to imagine not writing report cards but here it is November and no writing in sight. After spending the weekend doing other chores I find myself wondering where did I find the time to write 30 report cards before. Oh yes now I remember... I don't normally have weekends in november. There has been more time to designate to teaching and my family! This is the first time that striking has made my job easier. I would rather be writing report cards though if it meant the government actually would spend time and money on children and their education.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Keeping your head above water...

Two weeks in and I feel like I am slowly drowning in stuff to do, complete, copy, mark, laminate and teach. How is it that every year is the same? So I started by finding my desk, making a list of things to do and getting ready for tomorrow-one day at a time. Now time to go be a Mom. I think I'll come up for air soon.